Monday, March 23, 2009

इलेक्शंस 2009

mk/ibrIndia Elections 2009 Maharaj Shah
Forth coming Parliament Elections are getting everyday interesting in India. Those who were seen close allies are today driven apart and seem to have developed differences over seat sharing issues. Somewhere between this rhetoric the common man gets day by day disillusioned with these self styled political parties, national or regional. The political ideologies are absent and mostly parties are based either on personality cult or family iconic or else on the basis of popularity of person on different issues other than politics or any political ideology.
People’s issues and problems are no party’s agenda. The national print and electronic media is busy in portraying the profiles of individual political leaders in comparison to their counterparts in other parties on merely trifle and trivial basis and personal likes and dislikes of these so called leaders. It presents before us a situation of political farce than any serious political conviction of leaders committed to improving the quality of life of the millions of Indian people, who still are deprived of the basic requirements of their life.
There are two measure political alliances on national level. One is congress and its regional party alliances called UPA, in which communists were until recently a part too, other big political party is BJP and its allies called NDA, which has also certain smaller regional groups supporting it and this party is branded as Hindu centric and often blamed by the other political parties as communal, though when in power, people of India can hardly find much difference in the rule of the either of two major alliances. The Hindu centric rhetoric of the BJP seems to be more inclined to attract voters on the basis of a communal divide but then situation with the other parties too is almost the same when they address their constituencies on the basis of caste, minority appeasement and communal divide too.
The third front which is newly amalgam of many regional parties and communists from west Bengal is basically a timely election seat sharing arrangement of different groups which will fasten only if it gets a reasonable dent over the two big national political parties that is UPA and NDA or else it will vanish in fragments and cling to the national alliances in one way or the other.
In the drama of this situations politician’s claiming to be in politics for serving the interest of the common masses is posed as a big joke. This kind of scenario is detrimental for the democracy of the masses. No political party candidates come from the mass base. Mostly these leaders are imposed upon, manipulated and find place in politics through coercions. The candidates fielded by the political parties are not people’s choice but their entry into politics is based on the consideration of their money, muscle, and caste qualifications.
Inner party democracy is totally absent in every political party big or small. This is the reason that most of the sitting MP’S have been given again tickets to contest elections. The candidature of a candidate belonging to a specific constituency is not decided by the working members of the particular constituency from that area but imposed upon them from the top central committee or the main political boss called the President of the party. In the present scenario people’s participation is limited to casting of a purposeless vote.

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