As the title of the book suggests, we are taking our reader on a journey to the land of television programme making. This book is aimed at a beginner who gets interested in knowing the technique of television programme making. Television programme or video filmmaking seems deceptively very easy to begin with, but one comes to understand the difference between an amateur and a professional easily by watching the results of the both filmmakers. There are lots of video enthusiasts who spend a great deal of their money and efforts on trying to make their own videos but without any basic and proper knowledge about the technique of video film making, they usually waste both their money and efforts. The amateurish approach due to lack of proper training cannot sustain audience interest for long, obviously the precision and systematic approach adopted by one professional in choosing and editing its filmic material will lack in the story of a not so trained and unskilled person.
As the title of the book suggests, we are taking our reader on a journey to the land of television programme making. This book is aimed at a beginner who gets interested in knowing the technique of television programme making. Television programme or video filmmaking seems deceptively very easy to begin with, but one comes to understand the difference between an amateur and a professional easily by watching the results of the both filmmakers. There are lots of video enthusiasts who spend a great deal of their money and efforts on trying to make their own videos but without any basic and proper knowledge about the technique of video film making, they usually waste both their money and efforts. The amateurish approach due to lack of proper training cannot sustain audience interest for long, obviously the precision and systematic approach adopted by one professional in choosing and editing its filmic material will lack in the story of a not so trained and unskilled person.
This book will not make any one a trained video filmmaker or a trained television programmer but yes it can suggest a lot to its reader as to what television programme making or video filmmaking is all about. This will surely help one in overcoming the initial awkwardness of unfamiliarity with the television media.
It is also aimed at many young boys and girls who want to make television and programming their career and are already students of different media schools.
The book has been written in very lucid Hindi, to make it’s access possible to maximum Indian readers.
The writers, Ashok Jailkhani and Maharaj Shah are well-established media persons. While Ashok Jailkhani is Deputy Director General Doordarshan, Maharaj Shah is a well-known media person and Hindi writer from Jammu and Kashmir.
The entire book is divided in gradual segments, starting from one intro elaborating on program needs, manpower and equipment requirements, budgetary aspects, management and coordination interface, after which we go to the details of television production requirements. We lay a lot of emphasis on content selection, scripting and shooting schedules. We explain the working of studio and outdoor shoots; we clearly explain television shooting techniques: single camera and multicamera shoots, importance of camera techniques, audio, lighting and scenario setting. All aspects are thoroughly described, dealt with and supported by relevant illustrations. The contents of the book appear in the fallowing manner:
At the opening we portray a brief introduction of how after world war 2nd, television started expanding and growing in America and Europe. In India, television was initially viewed as a tool to spread education and help propagating development policies of Government. But soon entertainment became the driving force, which helped the widespread reach of television in entire India. Having said this, we come to the basic purpose of our book: we start from classification and types of programmes produced by TV. We divide these in Fiction, Non-Fiction, Documentary, and Current Affairs. We briefly explain these genres.
We explain briefly, how programme generation takes shape behind every creative and inventive thing there exists one idea. One single idea can move a complete world. In TV programming, idea, concept and synopsis lead to a definite screenplay. TV programmes are targeted at different section of viewers with an overview to cater sponsor and money.
Requirement of programme making Basic requirement of story, cast, equipment, studio, etc. Technical aspects, hardware & machinery, we give a vivid illustration of complete studio lay out, with positions of men and material used for making different programmes.
Programme shooting we define and elaborate on single camera shooting technique and multi camera shooting techniques. We make a flow chart of shooting stages at pre production, production and postproduction.
We tend to explain in detail the camera control and operation techniques with sufficient illustrative methods. We try to give reason for shot variation and choosing different angles.
We explain to reader the meaning and usage of exposure control, focus, zoom, camera placement, meaning of shot, types of shots and shot division, cut. Montage, transition, fade, wipe, and point of view, thrust, timing, and pitch.
Lighting we give sufficient reasons for lighting a set, we explain hard and soft light and try to define key and fill light. We also stress the need to identify source of light and lit the sequence accordingly. We make presentations of light look different from mere illumination and explain its role in creating the right mood and feel of given place and situation.
Sound another aspect, which we deal as per the requirement of television production. We explain in depth the reasoning of good quality recording voice. Impact of appropriate sound, accompanying visuals on screen. Sound can be a great decisive factor in communicating any impact on TV. We have always to remember TV being an Audio-Visual media.
Set, costume and makeup is treated with equal significance and importance is highlighted with lucid illustrations.
Editing is yet another aspect which is explained as per the requirement of a beginner.
News casting and news channel production requirements. TV Broadcast Journalism and some important features are highlighted for those who like to get involved with Television News and Current Affairs.
TV drama serial, and other fiction programmes are touched briefly towards the end. Ambience and environs of television channels is probed with a view to give some kind of feel to an aspiring young talent to find ways and means of getting into the business of TV programme making.
The book is available at Prabhat Publication 1659 Daryaganj Delhi-2